Create a New Quote
To start a quote, login to SmartQuote using your quoting ID. This will open to your Sales Document list, here you will find the “New Quote” icon on the top right of your screen in the gray secondary navigation bar. Click the “New Quote” icon to start a quote.
Customer Setup
Before you can enter a quote, you must select or create a customer. If you have already set up your customer, simply search by customer code or name. The system will autosuggest once you enter letters or numbers in those fields. To create a new customer, you will need to enter the customer information in the following screens to complete the customer setup. Be sure to click the “Add Customer” button on the right to have this new customer added to your company customer database. If you don’t click that button, the customer information will only live in this specific quote. If you think you’ll ever need to quote the customer again, it is worth saving them into the database.
- Customer Data
- Shipping Address
- Invoice Address
- Price Method and Currency
Once you enter the Customer Data, click “Next” at the bottom of the screen for the next step.
This will take you to the Shipping Address screen. If the customer’s main address and shipping address are the same, simply click the “Copy from Customer” option to copy the data over and select “Next” to go to the next screen. If the customer has a different shipping address from their main contact information, enter the shipping address here. It is critical that you enter this shipping address if the project will require job site delivery from All Weather.
On this page you will also find a field at the bottom of this page that can be used, to request a ship date. This field is a useful way to tell us at All Weather when you have a requested delivery date, that is further out than our current lead times. Entering a date in this field will not pull your delivery date forward unless we have room in our manufacturing schedule.
The “Next” button will take you to the Invoice Address page. You can copy the data from the main customer page if the information is the same or enter the correct invoice address if it is different.
Click “Next” to arrive at the Price Method and Currency page. Here you will set the customer up with a price list and confirm the standard currency designation of US Dollars.
- Price Method: Your System Administrator will set up the Price Methods available for you to choose from. You must select one to proceed with the quote. If there are none available you must talk to your System Administrator and have them set them up before you can proceed.
- Currency: US Dollars is our default and only available option.
- Payment Term: SmartQuote has a pre-populated list of standard terms. Please select the term that applies to your customer if you want the terms to appear on the Sales Documents. This does not represent All Weather’s terms to its dealers.
- Responsible: Select your username from the drop-down list to associate this new quote to you as a salesperson. This will flag it in the system as yours, allowing you to filter or search for your quotes.
- Units Mode: Allows you to select whether your quote will appear in fractions or decimals. This will default to Imperial Fraction.
- Tax % / Salesman Discount: Do not use these fields. We are trying to get them removed from the software, but in the meantime, just don’t use them as they won’t work as you expect them to. Enter tax in the “Sub Amounts” tab of the Order Header to accurately apply sales tax to your quote.
To complete the customer setup, select the “Finish” button on the bottom right of the screen. At any point during the customer setup process, the system will guide you, to fill in the required fields, before directing you to the quote.
Quote Header
The quote header includes all the information that you just entered in the customer setup phase. If you look at the tabs available in the header, the Document Tab includes:
- Creation Date
- Price Method
- Order Number
- Responsible
- Optional Pricing
- Salesperson
- Additional Data – Requested Date and Week
- Purchase Order Number Field
- Print Currency
- Payment Terms
- Tax
Please Note: The order number field is greyed out and will auto populate when the quote has been converted into an order. This field is not available for editing.
The Customer/Shipping/Invoicing tabs will have the information you entered during customer setup.
If you click on the Subtotals tab it will show you a breakdown of the quote costs once you have added line items. The Comments tab provides a field available to make notes about the overall order. These will be seen by the factory, but will not print out on the quote for your customer. Once you’re ready to start adding line items you can hide the header information by clicking the “Hide Header” icon on the bottom of the header.
Add Line Items
Add a line by clicking on the “New Line Item” icon on the bottom right of the page. This button will give you a menu of four options:
- New Model – this option allows you to enter a door, a shape, a single operable window or a corner window.
- New Configuration – allows you to add a new window configuration.
- Add Material – is for parts, extrusion or accessories.
- Line – is for additional parts/services you would like to add like freight, installation services, etc. You can add these costs as a line item or just include them in “SubAmounts”
For more information on how to add these different kinds of line items please see the following Help Articles: